Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Mama Bear

You're really going to like this one! You might even throw an accolade my way for this one;) Do you always want to know where your kids are, what they're doing on social media, who they are with, and, for parents of teens, if they are speeding. Get your Mama Bear account and sync family phones. If your child makes a new online "friend," uploads a photo, gets tagged in a photo, or uses inappropriate language from a list of restricted words created by you, you'll get a notification. Want to know exactly where your child is? Check out the map feature, and who they are with when they are checked into a location by a friend via social media. This app also notifies you when your teen is speeding or driving dangerously. Another pretty neat feature are the contact buttons. Their phones will have 3 buttons — Check In, Come Get Me, Emergency — that will alert you to location and will allow you to find them in an emergency.

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