Thursday, October 9, 2014

Honest and (Somewhat) Organized Mama

Are you overwhelmed and over it? Family, work, meetings, soccer games, grocery shopping, homework, do you feel like you can't keep up. If you're like most moms, me included, you need help staying organized. The best mobile app I've found to stay on top of EVERYTHING is ReQall.
ReQall gathers and manages all tasks, and alerts you at just the right time and place.

- Save your ideas, to-do lists and things to remember by voice or text. Or use email or IM.
- ReQall makes it easy to organize your to-do's by recognizing dates, times, locations, and certain keywords. You can also create your own tags, categories, and locations.
- ReQall's Here and Now lets you know what you need to do at that time and at that location.

Oh yeah and did I mention it's FREE!! In other words it's perfect!!

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