Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Mama Bear

You're really going to like this one! You might even throw an accolade my way for this one;) Do you always want to know where your kids are, what they're doing on social media, who they are with, and, for parents of teens, if they are speeding. Get your Mama Bear account and sync family phones. If your child makes a new online "friend," uploads a photo, gets tagged in a photo, or uses inappropriate language from a list of restricted words created by you, you'll get a notification. Want to know exactly where your child is? Check out the map feature, and who they are with when they are checked into a location by a friend via social media. This app also notifies you when your teen is speeding or driving dangerously. Another pretty neat feature are the contact buttons. Their phones will have 3 buttons — Check In, Come Get Me, Emergency — that will alert you to location and will allow you to find them in an emergency.

Losing your Marbles?

Who doesn’t appreciate a reward for all the work they’ve done? Marble Jar is designed for kids, but is a great motivator for moms to complete a project. You can create jars for different goals and you can drop a marble in when you’ve completed a task. Say you’re working out and you exercised for half an hour, drop a marble in the jar for a job well done. Did you clean the downstairs, do the 5 loads of laundry or wash the windows? Drop a few marbles to applaud yourself for your accomplishments. And once you reach a certain amount of marbles, reward yourself. You’ll be surprised how much a few marbles will stimulate and inspire you to stay on track.

Mother Load!

I've found the Mother pun intended. Seriously though, I've found the greatest mom invention since sliced bread. The mobile app is called Hub Family Calendar Organizer!! It is truly a work of art. Family member are able to share lists, calendars and notes. So let's say I have a grocery list started and my husband decides he wants mayo, he just adds to the list and when I go to the grocery store it's there. Our whole family downloaded the app so my husband is able to load his flight and work schedules and my teenager is able to load her sports and work schedule. It is fantastic!

Honest and (Somewhat) Organized Mama

Are you overwhelmed and over it? Family, work, meetings, soccer games, grocery shopping, homework, do you feel like you can't keep up. If you're like most moms, me included, you need help staying organized. The best mobile app I've found to stay on top of EVERYTHING is ReQall.
ReQall gathers and manages all tasks, and alerts you at just the right time and place.

- Save your ideas, to-do lists and things to remember by voice or text. Or use email or IM.
- ReQall makes it easy to organize your to-do's by recognizing dates, times, locations, and certain keywords. You can also create your own tags, categories, and locations.
- ReQall's Here and Now lets you know what you need to do at that time and at that location.

Oh yeah and did I mention it's FREE!! In other words it's perfect!!

Are you overwhelmed and Over it?

As I sit here with my lists upon lists, feeling completely overwhelmed and over it, I can't help but think other moms have to be like me (or at least I silently hope so). I have a list for groceries for all 3 stores I go to weekly (to get the best deal of course), I have a list of where each of my 3 children have to be and by what time daily, I have a list of where my husband is and his weekly flight schedule (he travels quite a bit for work), I have a list of daily chores that I hope to accomplish (even though that list only seems to get longer), and I have a pipe dream list (I will get or complete each of these when I win the lottery...mark my words;)

So in my quest to rid myself of lists and to maybe help other mamas like myself get more organized I'm creating this blog. I researched and researched and researched (okay you get it), to find the best mobile apps to help me on my organizational journey. I hope you find some or (possibly) all of the suggestions helpful!